
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Is anything really "original" anyway?
14 September 2009

Wouldn't you know it. . . . There's a short story I've been working on for D&D that I haven't yet mentioned anywhere. Well, I was browsing PBS (paperbackswap.com where I'm a member), and I found a book with the same title, and by the description, the same plot! Gah! It won't stop me from writing it. It's fanfiction, after all. Still, this happens too often!

I have a few emails to reply to. I'll try to find time to get to those this evening/tonight.

I didn't work on the vids this weekend. Just got to doing other things. But I will work on it/them this week.


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