
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Dream: Venger's Deathbed
08 March 2007

[This was the dream that brought me back to the series. I honestly believe that were it not for this dream, I would never have sought the fansites or connected with other fans of the show.]

I was standing in the doorway of a moonlit, modern bedroom with white walls. There were two windows with thin white curtains on the wall opposite the wall where the door was. The bed, with its head against the wall to my left, was closer to the windows rather than centered along the left wall. On the right wall, there was another window. It was open and its white curtain was moving from a gentle breeze.

Venger was lying, uncovered and fully dressed in his familiar trappings, on the far side of the bed. I walked around the foot of the bed and crouched at his bedside. I had the feeling that he was dying, and I had gotten there too late. Not that there was anything I could have done - whatever was killing him couldn't be reversed. I hated that I hadn't been told sooner of his condition, but I was sure to be calm as I went in to see him.

We talked for a short while. The only words I clearly remember saying to him are "Remember the time when..." We were obviously reminiscing. I tried to smile at times, but it was difficult because I felt so sad. It was hard to see him lying there so weak and helpless. And what was worse, something inside told me that as soon as I would leave, he would die.

When we were finished talking, I stood up, and then lowered my face to his for a parting kiss. I intended to give him a brief, but loving, kiss on his forehead. Instead, he surprised me by tilting his head back at the last second so that our lips would meet. Our kiss was long and passionate. At the time, it was the best dream-kiss I had ever experienced. When the kiss ended, I slowly raised my head and let the feeling of that unexpected pleasure linger. I woke up before I left his bedside, but I do remember thinking at the end that as soon as I left, he would die. It was very sad.


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