
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Dream: With Venger, After the Gathering
01 April 2007

Venger was standing beside a woman, and they were about to fight a larger-than-life robotic dinosaur.

The dream changed. I saw Venger with a strange device strapped to his abdomen. It was thick and circular with three wide spokes. In its large, smooth, central crystal, I could see the shoreline of some alien world as though looking through a window. I knew it was some sort of gateway.

The dream changed again and became more coherent. I was sitting in the back passenger side of a car that was in line with others, waiting to leave. Cars were slowly and carefully making their way down the high hill from where we had all gathered on the sparsely wooded, flat hilltop. It was autumn. The ground was hard and covered with brown and tan leaves, but many red and orange leaves still clung to the oaks.

And it was under one of these beautiful and massive oaks that Venger stood serenely, near the sharp slope, his black wings unclasped and at rest. The sky behind him was pink and orange, the sun having just set. Such an enchanting sight.

When my car neared the front of the line, I saw that Venger was standing closely enough that I was certain I could reach out the window and touch a wing. But I couldn't get the window down! I was fighting with the controls while staring at Venger's left wing. It looked made of a mixture of satin and suede. I had to touch it!

I told my driver to stop and opened the door. As I got out, I noticed that it was chilly, and that I was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans.

When Venger saw me approaching, he slowly walked towards me. Then we walked together to a spot underneath the large oak, which I hadn't expected to do. I had expected him to be intolerant of me. Instead, he treated me like I was one who was more than privileged to speak with him at any time. It made me wonder if all the people who saw this would think me a traitor or a sycophant. I had the feeling that we had all met up there at his request, and that the purpose of the meeting was his trying to convince the people that he was no longer evil.

When we stopped under the tree, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that all I had wanted was to touch his wing, so I moved closer and we embraced. I couldn't believe he was allowing it. And it felt so natural, like we had known and loved each other for so long. We held each other tightly, and then, as we moved for a kiss, our lips about to meet, I woke up.



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