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Quest for the Dungeon Master (the 1984 TSR board game)
02 August 2009

I recently purchased QUEST FOR THE DUNGEONMASTER on eBay (as I write this, there are five remaining, shipping worldwide). My nine-year-old son couldn't wait to play it. So, yesterday, we set it up and played a game. He was Eric, and I was Sheila. He kicked my butt big time. It was fun. I'm looking forward to playing again.

There are a couple issues with the instructions not being specific. Or perhaps just not specific enough for me. *shrugs* We talked over those issues and agreed how we'd handle them. No problem, just wish the instructions had been worded better in a couple places. It's not complicated at all, being for ages 6 and up.

This game is based on the Dungeon & Dragons cartoon episode, "In Search of the Dungeon Master". Warduke has captured Dungeon Master, and the first to reach Dungeon Master wins. Shadow Demon, for whatever reason, was left out of the game. Yet, there's a Tiamat card. o_O And the Bullywog card is mostly pointless. Its instruction is to advance another player 10 spaces. The only advantage to playing that card that I could see was to cause someone to miss their shortcut along the path. In that case, advancing someone 10 spaces would set them back, causing them to miss their chanced to fall on their shortcut space.

It's a cool game, and I'm glad I bought it. It's a way for me to share a small part of my childhood with my son. He loves it, and we had fun playing.

Character/Situation Cards









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