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!The Reviewers' Poll!
19 September 2008

It annoys me to no end when I see a crappy fanfic get fantabulous reviews. I feel that the reviewer is either toying with the writer or is truly unfamiliar with quality writing.

I want to know how you handle reviews. Be honest with yourself in the poll below. Leave a comment if you have more thoughts on this matter. I want to understand what reviewers are thinking when they click that "submit a review" button. Is it already in their heads to lie? Or do they open the blank review page and decide they just can't do it? Just can't be honest?

I will admit this, there is another side to my thinking on the matter. Part of me wants to thank the reviewers who leave the oh-my-gosh-you're-so-great reviews to writers who suck. The writers then continue to suck while their betters improve beyond them!

However, this causes an evil little cycle to begin. These writers get praise, then they want more praise. They get more praise, they start to believe the praise. They start to believe the praise, therefore, they do nothing to improve their sorry writing. They're too focused on writing more chapters, more stories, since people are going to praise whatever they slap on a site.

Result: Poor/Mediocre writers continuing to spit out more crap faster so they can get their fix of praise-filled reviews, to which they are giddily addicted.

Result: Fanfiction sites full of crap, making it more difficult for the good writers to get noticed.

Please take a moment to take my poll. Be as honest as you can, if you're not accustomed to being honest with yourself.

pollcode.com free polls
Topic: Reviews
Mark all that apply to you.
Keep peaceful relations with lies, public or private. In other words, always praise, no matter what.

Be publicly honest, always. Be true to your feelings on a story. Never hide your opinion in PMs.

If your honest review is unfavorable, send a PM. If favorable, leave a public review.

Honesty in private PMs only won't benefit others who could learn by example.

Don't leave a review at all if you have nothing positive to say. It's too much trouble.

Only review if the person needs advice, whether done publicly or privately.



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