
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Dream: Go R-Vengering
24 November 2010

My husband, Venger, I, and at least one other unknown person were traveling in an RV. Husband and I argued about which parking space we would use to hook up our utilities, but we got parked and hooked up. Soon, he was accusing me of accusing him of not hooking the water up correctly. He was telling me there was no leak after all and that he'd reconnected it for nothing. I had never complained about a leak and tried to tell him that.

Later, I was sitting inside, watching the ground meat supply as it came through a large, clear, flexible tube. Yes, meat was supplied along with power and water at the RV park. The tube had a five-inch diameter, and there was a pile of meat-filled tubing in my lap and around me as I sat on the floor. I squished it through the tubing, playing with it.

Venger (who didn't act anything like his character) told me what different kinds of meat were ground together in the mix. He was very knowledgeable about meats, and could tell just by looking at it. He named so many different meats that I jokingly said something like, "Next you'll be telling me there's human meat in there, too."

He smiled, "No, there's no human meat there."

Then I had a thought. "I bet you've had human meat before. Have you eaten human?"

He hesitated, but then answered, "Yes, I have."

"Could you get some for me to try? I've never eaten human meat before." I was very curious about the flavor.

"I'll make you a steak out of human meat someday."

I was thrilled, but then I wondered if I'd actually be able to put it in my mouth. I believed I could, just for the experience, but I was worried. I knew he'd have to kill someone. In my mind I imagined it'd be a healthy human male in his prime and that the meat would come from the thigh area.

Then Venger got up to go talk to a girl. I think he'd had a crush on her. The situation in the dream was that Venger and I liked each other, but we'd never said anything, and had let our feelings develop into more of a brother/sister kind of relationship. Anyway, I saw the girl he was talking to tell him off and walk out on him. He just stood there all rejected. I got up and went to him, saying supportive things that a sister or friend might say.

"You don't need her, anyway. She's not worth it." Even though it was probably bad timing, I decided to finally tell him how I felt about him. "But . . . I love you. You wanna kiss?" Yes, it was all very middle-school drama.

He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed.

The rest of the dream was my reuniting with an old friend, BJT. I saw him in a store, wearing a hospital gown-type shirt. He was supposed to be in rehab because he was a major drug addict. He was causing chaos in the store, and I had to chase him down to talk to him. But after I realized what condition he was in, and what his life was now like, I didn't want anything to do with him. Problem was, he was then obsessed with being close to me, and it was scary. I just wanted to get away from him.


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