
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Dream: Don't Threaten Me, Venger
14 September 2010

I watched as Venger, disguised in royal attire and resembling Prince Adam (He-Man), found a beautiful blonde who looked like a Barbie princess and escorted her to the dance floor for a waltz. I alternated between watching them from the side and actually being the woman. I switched places with her at least three times. The first time I switched to be her was because I noticed the placement of her right hand in his wasn't right. I corrected her position, and then was back to watching again. When I would see that she wasn't moving right or following his lead perfectly, I would again be her. For example, her down-up-up rhythm was off at one point, and I was suddenly in her place again, correcting her. Later, I saw them having dinner together at a table in this same place.

The dream changed, and I was with Sheila and Presto (who had a horrible Scottish accent). We all sort of crash landed in separate flyers into He-Man, but sometimes it was Thundercats. At one point, the Thundercats attacked us. A female attacked me and I pushed her away to fall backwards easily, telling her, "I don't want to fight you. I'm stronger than you." She didn't attack again. And during a He-Man moment, I, knowing that Venger was an evil character in that show as well (which he wasn't in real life), made some kind of smart-ass remark like, "Say hi to Venger for us," or something like that. The man I was talking to didn't find it funny.

A slight change again and I was holding books like a schoolgirl, looking for Sheila so I could walk home with her. I saw a friend of hers, standing off to the side, which told me that Sheila had gone to see Venger one last time before we left. We wouldn't get a chance to see him again. I had wanted to see Venger one last time, too, but I had thought Sheila wouldn't want to, so I wasn't planning to go.

I went to Venger's house. The door was open a little, so I went on in. Soon, I heard screams and sounds of a struggle. I knew it was Sheila. I followed the sounds to the back door and found Sheila struggling to get free of Venger. My sudden appearance interrupted him and he let her go. I said something close to, "If you want to rape someone, try raping me."

He went and sat down at a small wrought iron table and chair. I went and stood at the other side of the table. He said something that really set me off � insulted me somehow � and I yelled at him. Nearly growled my words out. He rose and leaned toward me menacingly, but I wasn't backing down. He walked to the edge of the patio and threatened something about rearranging our deal, something about how he would refuse to meet me in my dreams. I was careful not to let it show how this upset me inside. Instead, I called his bluff, and I did know it was a bluff. It was in the way he had said it.

I said something like, "Very well. Perhaps I'll just forget about you. And you know what would happen if I forgot about you. You wouldn't exist anymore. This whole world would be gone."

That got his attention. He remained silent and his eyes grew a little wider. He knew I was telling the truth. A moment later, he was acting quite friendly toward me. We were chatting on his patio as we looked out into the woods behind his yard. It had been cloudy here all day. It started raining, and though we had no cover, the rain did not touch us.


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