
20 April 2012: Featured Art: altered Avengers movie poster
19 September 2011: Featured Videos: The Grumpy Celt Speaks: "Grumpy RPG Reviews" - Dungeons & Dragons
18 September 2011: Featured Art: Venger by Ian Mullen
10 July 2011: Featured Art: Venger by ryanbnjmn
30 April 2011: Update: Salvation Chapter 20 posted - Why Venger became Venger.

Venger's Redemption and Sheila's Bravery
19 November 2010

There's an interesting discussion going on at Helix right now. I keep itching to participate but I have to hold myself back or I won't shut up. Besides, my theories, though they fit with canon and are logical and reasonable, are only my own. I've developed pretty much an entire history that fits with the canon and it fits so well that I have to remember that it's still only what I've come up with. It's not something to use in an argument.

I keep meaning to write that "disseration" on the history of the Realm. The working title is, suitably, "The Realm According to Rana." I just don't know if I want to do it in question & answer form or essay or timeline. And there's also that I'd be giving away all my own fanfic premises in the process.

Anyway, the current discussion is about how some fans don't find it acceptable that Venger was forced into redemption in "Requiem." Eric unlocks the cenotaph and *poof* Venger is no more. There's nothing wrong with that. That makes sense. Let me explain.

Venger, I believe, was incapable of seeking his own redemption. He told them, after he was rid of Venger, that he had "imprisoned in this cenotaph all that which Dungeon Master had given me. And now you have set me free."

They set him free. He was a prisoner. What was forced away or destroyed was Venger, see. Think of it like this: pre-Venger chose to follow a different master, and then he imprisoned . . . what? All that which Dungeon Master had given him. How inclusive is that? If Dungeon Master is his father (and not just mentor), then Dungeon Master gave him life, along with teachings. The way I see it, over at least one thousand years ago, pre-Venger pretty much cleansed his physical vessel for his new master to implant His Venger within. What the kids did allowed pre-Venger to reclaim his life, to redeem himself by forcing Venger out.

Pre-Venger's "redemption" was Venger's "requiem." Understand what I mean? He is freed to undo his terrible choice and vanquish the Force of Evil that took over.

Shit I'm pretty much giving away key bits of both "Salvation" and "The Chaos Forge." Fuck it.

Oh, and it's also been said that the kids were acting out of character, especially Sheila, in "Requiem." I didn't see it that way at all. Venger finally showed up and told them outright what the deal was. He didn't threaten them at all. He said he'd send them home; he gave his word, and they know he has a code. Sheila wanted them all to go home, especially Bobby since he was so young. Plus, she's sympathetic toward Venger. She would give him a chance to show the good side she knows he has. (I'll have to remember to explain why he has and needs his good side some other day.) I thought it showed great character development for her to be bold enough to set off without Hank and Bobby to bring about what they all wanted in the way that she believed they could achieve it. Think about it.

I'll stop with that. Else I'll be here all day. :-)


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